Monday, November 15, 2010

Harriet and Her Squirrel

"It was Sabbath eve, when at a friend's house, we were all sitting in the piazza conversing about the exertions now making for the heathen ... 'Father,' said little Harriet, after listening a long time to our conversation, 'Father, do these little heathen children wish to learn to read the Testament? Will half a dollar buy one Testament, for one little heathen girl?'"

Find out the answer to Harriet's question. Will she find a way to provide a Bible to a needy child? And what does a squirrel have to do with it?

Come and read the charming little short story, "Harriet and Her Squirrel," which was published in The Family Visitor in 1822. It's part of our current exhibit of 19th-century Sunday School materials and periodicals for children and families. You'll find it in the flat glass display case near the Circulation Desk.


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