Tuesday, December 17, 2013

End of email reminder notices

Effective this week Morton Library will discontinue emailing loan reminder notices.  We have been experiencing difficulties with spam filters impeding the consistency of delivery, and rather than confuse members of the community with reminder notices that patrons cannot depend on, we will discontinue the notices. 

As has been our past custom, whenever you check out an item from the library, the circulation staff will provide you a loan receipt that displays the due date for each item.  As in days of yore before email notices, each patron of the library is responsible for returning items that he or she has borrowed on or before the due date or pay the fine for an overdue. 

Please remember that every patron of the library has 24/7 access to their account online.  There you can check the due dates of your borrowed items, renew items if an item can be renewed and view one’s loan history. 

Instructions for how to access your online account may be found at http://gargoyle.upsem.edu/tutorial/CATALEARN/Pages/PageL.html

 Joe Coalter
Library Director

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