Friday, May 2, 2008

The Times They Are a-Changin'

The title of this blog could be the motto of a resource center that has media as the heart of its collection. Adapting a collection to the changing formats of audio and visual media is challenging and expensive, but absolutely necessary if the resources are to remain useful.

In the recent survey, a patron requested that we buy more compact discs and fewer cassette tapes. As a general collection development policy in the IRC, we do not, nor have not, purchased cassette tapes in some time. Because of the longevity of the Center (and the radio station on campus that provided much of the original audio material), we do have many, many more cassettes than compact discs at this point. But we are only purchasing compact discs and it will take us some time to catch up with the more than 17,000 titles we have in audio cassette form!

In addition, we are undergoing a conversion project to transfer the cassette recordings for which we have copyright permission to compact disc. This will be the third conversion of audio material since I have been here, and the conversion of an entire collection can take many many years and lots of money. (When we converted our reel to reel masters to compact disc, the process took more than 7 years!) By the time we finish, there may well be another format that means we have to rethink this process all over again!

If there are particular titles that you'd like us to order in compact disc form, please let me know. Your suggestions for material are always appreciated.


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