Monday, November 24, 2008

Gates are now activated

The turnstile and gate at the Library's main entrance are now activated. You now need your key-card to enter the building.

Your card does not need to be swiped like a credit card. Just hold it a few inches away from the red sensor light; it will BEEP and you will also hear a sound as the mechanism unlocks. The light will turn green. Use the turnstile on the right side as you enter. If you are in a wheelchair (pushing a baby stroller, etc), you may use the swinging gate to enter. You may exit through the turnstile without unlocking it, or you may unlock the swinging gate with your card and exit that way.

If you have not yet come to pick up your card, you may do so at the Circulation Desk. At the left of the entrance, near the portrait, there is an intercom device. If you press it, the sound will be heard inside the Circulation Office, so they will know you need attention.


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