Monday, February 16, 2009

E-journal instability

We now subscribe to over 6000 electronic journals offering at least part of their content in full text online; more than 430 of these are scholarly periodicals in various religious studies disciplines. These are very popular with our users, since they enable you to do some of your research remotely, online.

But most people don't realize that the e-journal universe is constantly in flux. Publishers change their URLs; they change the number of volumes and issues available to subscribers; they change the format of their websites and their contractual agreements with vendors. Also, we try constantly to improve our e-journal holdings ... we added six new titles in the past week.

Because of this mutability, there is plenty of room for technical faults in the way these journals work. If you try to use one of them and run into difficulties, please email me and let me know. If it's a user issue, I'll try to explain how to access it. If it's a technical fault, your comment will alert me to find out what's wrong and get it fixed.


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