Saturday, April 17, 2010

Podcasting and Beyond

As part of the Library's continuing efforts to support teaching and learning at the seminary, and to promote the use of our Multimedia Creation Lab, Leland Deeds and I taught a class on podcasting yesterday. We learned a lot from the class - and hope they learned something as well! Now...where do we go next? What are you interested in learning?

During the class yesterday, we worked with a free open source audio editor called Audacity but there's plenty more to learn about recording and editing audio files. Whether you're a teacher hoping to use audio in our online ECP classes or you've got a passion about something you want to share with the world through a podcast, an audio editor can be your friend. If you're interested in delving into more audio editing, we've got the space and materials for you to work with in the Library MCL.

Interested in video blogging? Want to know how to work with photographic images? We want to hear what would help you so let us hear from you as we begin to plan other learning opportunities for the seminary community.


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