Monday, May 10, 2010

Dead Sea Scrolls electronic library

In the Spring term, Prof. Adams taught BIB 403, "Introduction to the Dead Sea Scrolls." His students were challenged to study and analyze the texts, not just from transcriptions, but as written in manuscript on these ancient scrolls. They were able to do this using an amazing Brill product that reproduces digital images of the Qumran scrolls, plus transcriptions, translations, an inventory and search software. The program includes lemmatization and morphological analyses of all the Hebrew/Aramaic words and allows searching of all words and combinations of words, separate morphemes and grammatical groups.

Probably most of our users are not aware that we offer such a tool for study. Until you need it, you are not likely to roam around looking for it! Remember that we offer much more than just our Library catalog and the ATLA Religion Database ... a whole set of specialized resources is here for your use as well.

To find out more about our electronic resources, take a look HERE, HERE and HERE.


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