Monday, September 20, 2010

Expanded ProQuest data store

We're happy to announce that we now have access to the entire ProQuest Dissertations and Theses full-text database. Formerly, we subscribed only to the Humanities and Social Sciences subset of this valuable resource. Now, you can use it for any discipline or subject area.

PQDT is the world's most comprehensive and authoritative collection of dissertations and theses. It is the database of record for graduate research, with over 2.3 million documents included from around the world.

In many cases, PQDT provides previews of dissertations and theses : you can download the first 24 pages of the dissertation, look at the Table of Contents and the first few pages of the introduction, in order to determine whether the work fits your needs. Often you have the option of downloading the entire text as well.

To access this resource online, click HERE (use your network login).


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