Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Advent resource

Are you looking for a web-based resource which brings together study and liturgical materials based on the 3-year Revised Common Lectionary?  There is a wonderful website called "The Text This Week" - or "Text Week" for short - which offers resources for study, reflection, and liturgy to assist you in preaching and teaching.  The site is organized following the texts of the Revised Common Lectionary.  Each week includes a wealth of materials, including exegetical commentaries, children's sermons, artwork, movie clips, sample sermons, bulletin inserts, hymn selections, and more.  In addition to the organization of the RCL, users may also search by scripture index, theme, and even movie titles.  To access The Text This Week, simply visit their webpage !

For a similar website which offers liturgy for Revised Common Lectionary texts, check out

TJ Remaley, Circulation desk worker
2nd year MDiv/MACE

1 comment:

William Smith Morton Library said...

Thanks, TJ! I would add that alumni/ae of Union and BTSR can sign up for special access to ATLAS so they can read the journal articles on TextWeek, chosen to add exegetical analysis to each Scripture passage. All they have to do is contact Paula Skreslet (Reference Librarian) by email and she'll send them the necessary information.