Thursday, January 12, 2012

New print reference for Bible study

I'm happy to announce that we have received the first two volumes in the new Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible series.

These two volumes are called The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the BibleThere are lengthy, detailed, signed articles about each of the canonical & apocryphal books, clearly divided into sections with headings like Authorship, Date and Historical Context, Literary History, Canonical Status, Structure and Contents, Interpretation, Reception History.  Many have schematic outlines or other special features, such as historical maps.  And I am happy to see that they have extensive, well-organized bibliographies pointing toward further research. 

Here's what Oxford says about the new series :

“Recognizing the changing nature of biblical studies, Oxford University Press has been working on a new multivolume reference work on the Bible that would present both older and current interpretive strategies.  Under the general heading The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible, over the next several years we plan to produce several two-volume sets, each with its own distinguished editorial board.  Each set will have a specific focus, such as the Bible and theology, the Bible and law, the Bible and ethics, the Bible and the arts,  the Bible and archaeology, and the Bible and gender studies.  The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Books of the Bible inaugurates this new series.”


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