Friday, February 10, 2012

Why do catalog & database training in the OT II and NT II classes ?

I'd like to thank all of you again for being such good sports about our research training in the BIB 260/311 and BIB 270/321 classes.  I know this stuff is tedious to listen to (or even think about!), but the training is necessary.

Why?  Well, the first reason is that we are required by accreditation standards to provide basic information literacy instruction to all students.  But that only leads to another "Why?"

Helping you find the materials you need easily and make use of those scholarly sources effectively is our goal.  And every software program intended to search a collection is different from every other.  They have unique characteristics that can make them confusing and difficult to use, and quite pointless if you were unlucky enough to choose the wrong tool for your purpose to start with.  

We want to make sure that everyone has been briefed on the basics of the electronic research tools we offer.  And for many people, hearing it more than once is helpful -- especially if you weren't really ready to absorb it the first time.

Judging by the pre- and post-tests, you are better equipped now to deal with your coursework, research and writing.  Perfection is not attainable ... but if we have helped you to cope with these challenges a bit better, we are happy about that!


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