Friday, June 6, 2014

Whole lotta movin' goin' on

We want everyone to be aware that Circ is undertaking a major stacks shift right now, which we hope to complete this summer.  The ground floor and the lower level will be reorganized to follow an uninterrupted flow of call numbers in alphabetical order.

The arrangement that now exists took place gradually over time, without an overall plan, and it has resulted in strange pockets of out-of-order materials that defy logic.  Our aim is to make the entire stacks collection abide by the same plan.  We hope it will be more intelligible for both staff and users.

There will be some disruption while this move is implemented.  If you are trying to find an item that seems to have disappeared, please ask for help at Circ.  They will know which things have been moved on a daily basis.

When the process is complete, we'll publicize details of the new arrangement to help everyone adapt to it.  We apologize for any confusion in the meantime!

Paula and Rachel

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