Tuesday, July 5, 2016

New exhibit in the Library

60 Years of Women's Ordination in the Presbyterian Church

Sixty years ago, on 24 October 1956, the first woman was ordained to the ministry of Word and Sacrament in a Presbyterian church. Some female deacons and ruling elders had preceded her. But Margaret Towner was the first to have equal standing with male pastors in a Presbyterian church (the PCUSA).

Many more "firsts" for Presbyterian women have taken place since then, including the ordination of our own Prof. Katie Cannon, the first African-American woman ordained as a Presbyterian (in the UPCUSA), and our alumna Rachel Henderlite (PSCE 1961) in the PCUS. This summer, two women were elected together as Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly in Portland.

We have created a display to honor these pioneers and to call attention to some of the extensive literature that now exists on the subject of the various roles and ministries undertaken by women in the church.

The exhibit is found in the glass display cases near the main entrance of the Library. Please come and absorb this information and honor these colleagues in ministry.

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