Friday, August 8, 2008

Historical Curriculum

We try to maintain a current collection of curricula that our students are likely to find when they work in local churches. This means that we collect Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and many non-denominational titles.

Several years ago, we began to notice that more PhD students were looking at curriculum for their dissertations. Because of this, we have begun a project to archive Presbyterian curricula. We have pulled as much material as we have and located it at the south end of the IRC (right outside Norma's office). The process of organizing it and getting it cataloged will be another long term effort, but if you see "Historical Curriculum" as a collection when you are searching for an item, you'll know where to go. We made the decision to archive only Presbyterian Church materials because of space considerations and because other denominations are likely to have their own archives.

These materials will not circulate as we would not be able to replace many of them, but you are always free to look at them in the IRC.


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