Monday, August 4, 2008

News, Culture, Politics

Some people are disappointed to find that we don't have paper subscriptions to certain general-interest magazines they like to read, such as Atlantic Monthly, Harper's, New Yorker and the Economist, or periodicals in the social sciences like Psychology Today. But they may not realize that we do subscribe to these journals online. There isn't even any time delay on these titles -- you can read even the most current issue (many academic journals have an "embargo" period of as long as a year, during which their content is not available through online subscription, but only on paper). You can access them either through Academic OneFile or through our MetaLib search tool.

We also have the entire text of the New York Times since 1985 in searchable form online, plus transcripts and recordings of every National Public Radio (NPR) broadcast since 1990, and lots more besides. For a fuller description of the materials you can access through Academic OneFile, have a look at this page.


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